Victory Liner marks 60th anniversary

OLONGAPO CITY — One of the country’s pioneers in transport service, Victory Liner Inc. (VCI), is celebrating its 60 years of excellent service, making sure that passengers are brought safely and comfortably to their destinations all over the country.

Dubbed as one of the oldest and largest bus lines in the Philippines, VLI was one of the first to introduce a world-class transport system and stricter security measures for the convenience of the riding public.

VLI is also credited for being the first to install TV sets and VCR machines on board and accept credit card payments.

Gerarda Hernandez-Villa, VLI chairwoman, attributed the company’s success to its employees, partners and officers who, she said, are just like one big family.

"We have generated a sense of family within the company, and in the 60 years we have been together, we have served as second parents to our employees," Villa told The STAR.

As such, VLI marked its 60th anniversary by handing out special awards to its model employees and valued partners.

The pioneering transport company is also introducing more modern amenities. For one, it has commissioned the building of a transport terminal in Baguio City.

"We have commissioned a Centennial Airport-type terminal in Baguio City modeled after the Grand Central and Port Authority in New York," Pocholo Galian, VLI’s Olongapo City manager, said.

For long travel routes, Galian said VLI has begun using a new fleet.

"We are now using deluxe buses, which are equipped with their own comfort rooms, aimed at those who prefer to travel to Baguio non-stop," he said.

At present, VLI has a fleet of 720 buses operating 24 hours a day and servicing 16 terminals across Luzon.

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