Bridges not ‘mislocated’ — mayors

Two Aklan mayors have disputed charges that there are "mislocated" bridges in their respective municipalities that lead to nowhere.

"Only irresponsible flitting passersby who are not concerned or aware of the needs of our localities would prejudge our development program," Mayors Roberto Garcia Jr. and Ramon Legaspi Jr. of Ibajay and Makato towns, respectively, said in a statement.

"The needs of our people should not be taken lightly by those who are not concerned about or are not involved in improving their lives," they said.

"We, as the mayors of our towns, are striving hard to provide the necessary facilities for our people and upgrade their way of life. The bridges built for their benefit should not be depreciated or misrepresented as leading to nowhere," they said.

The two mayors said their constituents are clamoring for more bridges that can benefit the remote barangays.

"There are still barangays and sitios that are isolated and the residents undergo great difficulties in transporting produce or in negotiating the distance from their far-flung (communities) to the markets and centers of population," they said.

Garcia and Legaspi said they are grateful to President Arroyo, Public Works and Highways Secretary Hermogenes Ebdane Jr., and PBP executive director Emil Sadain "for their efforts to provide the facilities to our people."

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