Trader-model clarifies item

"Further to your earlier phone conversation with my father, Dr. Ricardo S. Soler, I am writing to formally request for a clarification to set right possible misconceptions that could have been created by an item in The Southern Beat column of Mr. Rolly Espina.

"The item dealt with a fake credit card buying spree allegedly committed earlier this week in Boracay by possible scions of prominent Metro Manila families. It reports that among those detained by the police was a certain ‘Paulo Soler, 22, of Valle Verde 1.’

"Unfortunately, this line might confuse people because I am a Paolo Soler living in Valle Verde 1. There might be other Paolo or Paulo Solers but I am the only Paolo Soler living in Valle Verde 1 and there is no Paulo Soler living here. My full name is Paolo Manuel Andaya Soler.

"I am a young and respectable businessman. I graduated from college with a degree in Entrepreneurial Management from the University of Asia and the Pacific. I have my own company, which is a large bottled water distributor in the Ortigas Commercial Center, and I am active in the entertainment and modeling industry. I recently co-hosted Txtube, a music magazine show on GMA Channel 7, and MPH TV, a technological gadget show on ABC-5. I have modeled for such products as Smart, Ponds, Close-Up, Gilbey’s, and Milo, among others.

"Thus you can see that being possibly mistaken for the Paulo Soler, who allegedly used fake credit cards to splurge in Boracay, will certainly not be good for my business and my career, both of which are extremely sensitive to bad news about anyone involved in them. I am a quiet individual who works for a living and simply loves surfing for a sport. I am not wont to splurging, especially not with someone else’s credit cards.

"I am therefore hoping you will see what can be done to make this clarification public. I am enclosing a professional photo of myself which will identify me as being different from the Paulo Soler Mr. Espina wrote about. Thank you."


Paolo Manuel Andaya Soler, president and general manager, The Happy Water Company Inc.

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