‘Observe due process for 2 detained Indons’

The Indonesian Embassy is asking the Philippine government to allow due process to take its course before supporting the US government’s request to the United Nations to include its two nationals detained here in its list of foreign terrorists.

Andang Pramana, spokesman of the Indonesian Embassy, said Fathur Rohman Al Ghozi and Agus Dwikarna, who are being held at Camp Crame in Quezon City on charges of terrorism, should be given their day in court.

Pramana said another Indonesian national, Oscar Makawata, is being held at Camp Crame only for violation of immigration laws and should be deported soon.

He said Makawata is not facing terrorism charges and thus, should not also be tagged as a foreign terrorist.

Pramana confirmed that the US is indeed asking the UN to label Al Ghozi and Dwikarna as foreign terrorists, along with a Pakistani.

Foreign Affairs Secretary Blas Ople said the Department of National Defense and the National Intelligence Coordinating Agency are still reviewing the US request.

"We will await their (DND and NICA’s) recommendation before we make any decision," he told reporters last Friday.

"Dwikarna was held for (possession of) explosives at the airport, a criminal offense under our laws. This is not to be considered a benign act," Ople said.

The US has tagged Al Ghozi and Dwikarna as alleged ranking members of the Indonesia-based Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), believed responsible for the series of bombings in Southeast Asia, including those in Bali last year.

Al Ghozi, whom the General Santos City Regional Trial Court has convicted for illegal possession of explosives, admitted that his JI superiors gave him the go-signal to fund the bombings in Metro Manila on Dec. 30, 2000.

Dwikarna was arrested for illegal possession of explosives at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport before boarding a flight to Bangkok. His case is on appeal.

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