Graft raps filed vs Braganza with Ombudsman

The Department of Agrarian Reform Employees’ Association (DAREA) filed graft charges against Secretary Hernani Braganza with the Office of the Ombudsman yesterday for alleged extravagance and fiscal mismanagement.

The graft complaint involves the P53.3 million which the department allegedly spent for the 14th anniversary celebration of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) last June.

The employees’ union earlier filed an administrative case against Braganza over the same allegation with the Presidential Anti-Graft Commission (PAGC).

DAREA counsel Joseph Entero said they will file at least three other graft complaints against Braganza with the Ombudsman after the long holiday weekend.

The additional complaints will tackle DAR’s expenditures for its website (P7 million) and finger scan project (P5.7 million) and alleged harassment of DAREA officers.

In a statement, DAREA said they decided to bring the case to the Ombudsman "in the face of the obstinate stand (of Braganza)."

The union said they are confident that the evidence it submitted to the Ombudsman will warrant the filing of criminal cases against Braganza with the Sandiganbayan.

Braganza, for his part, dismissed DAREA’s accusations, saying the union’s latest move was a "squid tactic" meant to divert public attention from allegations that union leaders have mismanaged funds.

Braganza also accused the DAREA leaders of forum-shopping for filing similar charges in different venues.

"This latest antic of the DAREA leaders is just another form of harassment to pressure me into giving in to their unreasonable demands," he said.

"I do not know why these people could not wait for the decision of the PAGC which vowed to resolve the case within 30 days," he added.

Entero, however, said they cannot be accused of forum-shopping because the Ombudsman has the adjudicatory function to impose sanctions and penalties on erring government officials and employees, which the PAGC lacks.

The PAGC, he said, merely submits recommendations to the President who has the discretion to approve or reject them.

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