Mikey, Angela leave for US honeymoon

CITY OF SAN FERNANDO, Pampanga - Newlyweds Vice Gov. Mikey Arroyo and wife Angela leave tonight for their one-week honeymoon in San Francisco in the United States where he wants to show her places he found "romantic" during his stay there as a student at Berkeley University.

"We’ll just walk around and fall in love all the more," Mikey told The STAR as he and Angela prepared to attend the birthday party of First Gentleman Mike Arroyo after another hectic day at the provincial capitol here.

Mikey has been the acting governor since Gov. Lito Lapid went on an official trip to the US last June 16.

He said he would also take Angela sailing in one of the resorts in San Francisco.

Mikey described San Francisco as "the most practical" in terms of expenses and "my favorite city outside of the Philippines."

"I’m going to take Angela to a quaint western town called Sualsalito because the ambience there is so romantic," said the 32-year-old presidential son, the first of the First Couple’s three children to marry.

He obtained a masteral degree in business administration from Berkeley where his grade was B average.

Mikey said he and Angela intend to enjoy their honeymoon since his workload as acting governor has limited their time together since their June 24 wedding at the St. Augustine Church in Lubao, Pampanga, hometown of his maternal grandfather, the late former President Diosdado Macapagal.

The two have been staying at Malacañang since their wedding. "I leave early for work at the Pampanga capitol, but not without having breakfast first with Angela. And then from Pampanga, I rush back for dinner with her," Mikey said. He, however, has yet to taste Angela’s cooking.

He and his 28-year-old wife will stay at a five-star hotel called Country Berry at the western skirts of San Francisco where they would be "all by ourselves."

"I suppose it would be okay now for me to go on honeymoon since I have finished all that I have to do at the capitol and Gov. Lito Lapid will be back to work on Monday," Mikey said.

He said he would report back to work as soon as he arrives from the one-week honeymoon.

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