GMA throws full backing to jueteng war

President Arroyo has given her full support to Local Government Secretary Joey Lina in his all-out campaign against jueteng and other illegal gambling activities, a pro-administration congressman said yesterday.

Rep. Willie Buyson Villarama (Aksyon Demokratiko, Bulacan) said Mrs. Arroyo told him last Friday during a meeting with several House members that she is backing Lina’s anti- jueteng drive.

"If Secretary Lina is able to reshuffle regional police commanders who he thinks are not cooperating in this campaign, he really must have the President’s support. Such a move, I believe, has Mrs. Arroyo’s clearance," he said.

Villarama was referring to reports that the local government secretary is reshuffling some police commanders, including Reynaldo Berroya of Central Luzon, the President’s home region.

He said Mrs. Arroyo also told him that her administration is serious in its anti-jueteng drive.

"I think that she is really serious. She deserves the support of all concerned, particularly police and local government officials whose cooperation is important in the success of the campaign. Jueteng and other illegal activities cannot go on without the knowledge, and in many cases, involvement of these officials," he said.

He urged the incoming Philippine National Police chief, Hermogenes Ebdane Jr., to take the cue from the President and Lina and cooperate fully in the drive against illegal gambling.

"The PNP has been criticized as being soft on jueteng. The incoming PNP chief should exert all efforts to reverse that perception," he said.

Villarama, who was Mrs. Arroyo’s chief of staff when she was Vice President, has criticized the administration’s "half-hearted" campaign against illegal gambling.

Citing his home province of Bulacan and nearby Pampanga where he claimed there are at least four jueteng draws every day, the said the anti-jueteng drive is being sabotaged by some influential personalities close to the President. – Jess Diaz

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