Municipal mayors press for greater role in use of official development assistance

Municipal mayors will press for greater participation in the utilization of official development assistance (ODA) funds and craft an action agenda to help the national government cushion the impact of the global business slowdown, saying it is always the poor in the impoverished municipalities who are most vulnerable during an economic crisis.

Binalonan, Pangasinan Mayor Ramon Guico Jr., national president of the League of Municipalities of the Philippines (LMP), said the town mayors will hold a dialogue with international development partners under the aegis of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) to identify ongoing and new foreign-funded and grant-induced programs and projects for municipalities nationwide.

Based on published reports, Guico said there are at least $13 billion in ODA funds, of which only $5 billion has so far been utilized.

He added that some $900 million of the $1-billion World Bank assistance has remained undisbursed for agricultural and education programs.

Guico said the mayors will appeal to President Arroyo to fully utilize the funds for infrastructure support for commerce, transportation and agriculture.

The LMP will hold its three-day 11th general assembly starting today at the Manila Midtown Hotel.

The 1,496 municipal mayors composing the league are also expected to formalize several cost-sharing agreements on agriculture, public works, environment, education, health and social services with concerned national government agencies.

The President, fresh from a successful week-long visit to the United States, will be the guest of honor and speaker at the conclusion of the convention during which the LMP will present its own covenant of commitment in support of Malacañang’s anti-poverty programs and peace and order campaign.

Senate President Franklin Drilon and House Speaker Jose de Venecia will lead other top government dignitaries in gracing the event that will also tackle issues and concerns being advocated by coastal municipalities on the delineation of municipal waters and the preservation and protection of marine resources.

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