Napolcom rebukes PNP over revamp

The designation of key Philippine National Police (PNP) officials nationwide needs the review and stamp of approval of the National Police Commission (Na—polcom) as a check-and-balance mechanism to preclude bias and political prejudice.

Thus, the Napolcom held in abeyance the projected revamp of PNP regional directors for lack of the necessary clearance from the commission.

In a memorandum to PNP chief Director General Leandro Men—doza, Napolcom vice chairman and executive officer Rogelio Pureza said the PNP, in effecting the revamp, violated the Na—polcom’s constitutional mandate of control and supervision over the national police because the changes lacked the necessary Napolcom endorsement to the Office of the President.

The Napolcom, in particular, questioned why the PNP bypassed it on such an important administrative matter that affects the national interest.

While there may be some urgency in the PNP revamp, Pureza said the relief of Chief Superintendent Ruperlito Tan Andanar as finance service director appears to be haphazard and not in conformity with good management basics.

Pureza said Andanar is retiring on Aug. 10 and should at least be allowed to retire in his position.

Pureza added that since the PNP finance service needs someone trained in the intricacies of financial management, Andanar’s successor should have been his deputy who has been his understudy for more than two years and has undergone extensive training in financial management.

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