Revilla son ahead in Nueva Ecija

SAN LEONARDO, Nueva Ecija — A son and namesake of Sen. Ramon Revilla is leading in the three-way mayoral fight in this town.

Based on unofficial returns in 15 barangays covering 114 precincts, Ramon "Mon" Nicolas Revilla-Bautista of the ruling Lakas-NUCD obtained 6,797 votes as against the 6,618 of former board member Froilan Nagaño and the 6,454 of Nagaño’s sister-in-law, Hortensia "Allens" Nagaño of the opposition Nationalist People’s Coalition-Bagong Lakas ng Nueva Ecija (NPC-Balane).

The municipal board of canvassers (MBC) suspended the official canvassing of votes at the municipal hall after lawyers of Hortensia pressed for the inclusion of the name "Allen" to the votes of Hortensia.

Outgoing Mayor Eulino "Sonny" Nagaño, Hortensia’s husband, said at least 350 ballots containing the name "Allen" were invalidated.

Records gathered by The STAR showed that Revilla won in the five of the 15 barangays, winning by wide margins in barangays Adorable, his bailiwick, Tabuating, San Anton, San Roque and Magpapalayok. — Manny Galvez

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