Villar wants expansion of SME markets

Government must take steps to assist the country’s small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in developing new products that will enable them to expand their markets in order to widen employment opportunities for Filipinos, former Speaker Manny Villar said yesterday.

Villar says government should facilitate participatory discussions among consumers, the academe, science professionals, and businessmen to develop new products which use local raw materials needed by the domestic market and the local industrial market.

"We must come up with new innovative products utilizing readily available indigenous raw materials," said Villar.

This, he says, is geared towards expanding the domestic markets for micro cottage small and medium enterprises.

Villar stressed the need to "develop and strengthen" the country’s SMEs, considered the backbone of the economy as they provide the bulk of employment to Filipinos.

Identifying new products, says Villar, will also expand the SME base and may help spawn new entrepreneurs.

"This will create new jobs and income opportunities for our people," says the People Power Coalition Senate bet who is running on a platform of providing adequate employment and providing decent homes for Filipinos.

During his term as Speaker, Villar co-authored the Micro and Cottage Industries Act that provides technical assistance from government to SMEs to enable them to improve product quality and cater to wider markets.

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