No definite date yet for Government-MILF talks

DAVAO CITY — The government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) have yet to set a definite date for the resumption of formal peace negotiations.

"Until now, the two panels have not decided yet on the definite date. But it would not be before the May 14 elections or even shortly after that," said Moner Bajunaid, co-chairman of the MILF technical committee.

Despite this, Bajunaid said the MILF will comply with the agreement it forged with government representatives in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia last March 24.

"The peace talks will really resume. The MILF will do its part as agreed upon in that Kuala Lumpur meeting," he said.

Both panels agreed in Kuala Lumpur to restart negotiations before June 24.

"It is very certain that the MILF would abide by that agreement. The MILF has started preparing for the talks," said Bajunaid, who is running for senator in the May 14 elections.

He said the MILF has firmed up the composition of its negotiating panel, which Al Haj Murad, MILF vice chairman for military affairs, will head, as proof of its sincerity in resuming peace talks with the Arroyo administration.

The panel, he said, is working on the details of the MILF position, although he added that they would not soften on the MILF’s nine-point agenda.

Besides the date, the two panels still have to agree on the venue of the talks. Indonesia and Malaysia have both offered to host the resumption of the negotiations.

The former Estrada administration suspended the talks following a massive military offensive against the Moro rebel group last year, which resulted in the seizure of 46 of its camps in Northern and Central Mindanao.

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