Villar pushes benefits for OFWs

Loans to start their own business and decent, affordable housing.

This, says former Speaker Manny Villar must be provided to the country’s more than five million overseas Filipino workers, touted as modern day heroes who pump an estimated $8 billion each year into the national economy.

The People Power Coalition Senatorial candidate says that he will seek to ensure that credit facilities will be set up for OFWs to start their own livelihood as well as avail of housing units.

Villar points out that it is a common dilemma of OFWs to be denied loans to start their own business, as they have no record of employment back home.

He stressed that encouraging entrepreneurship not only among OFWs but among all Filipinos not only offers the prospect of self-sufficiency, but likewise helps in creating jobs for Filipinos.

Concrete measures must be taken by government, says Villar to build "a strong entrepreneurial class" as this is one of the ways to ensure the country’s long-term economic growth.

He praised the country’s OFWs for their significant contributions to the economy as he vowed to uphold their welfare and interest at all times. He also urged OFWs who have managed to save some of their earnings to invest their savings in the country by starting their own business.

Likewise, Villar says mechanisms must be strengthened to oversee the welfare of OFWs in order to prevent abuses. "The least we can do is to do whatever is possible to ensure that they are safe and not abused by their foreign employers," he said.

Villar has consistently upheld the cause of OFWs. It will be recalled that as Speaker, Villar personally flew to Saudi Arabia to appeal the release of 13 jailed OFWs charged with preaching Christianity. His personal representations with Price Salman led to the speedy release of the prisoners and their safe return home.

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