Voters urged to junk candidates with known ties with drug pushers

The DrugWatch partly-list group called on voters to reject candidates who have interfered in drug cases as part of the people’s campaign against drug abuse.

DrugWatch spokesman Peter Sing noted that most candidates have included the fight against drugs as part of their platform. "We advise the public to check with the police if these candidates are merely masquerading as anti-drugs advocates," he said.

According to DrugWatch volunteers, it has been common practice for parents of a suspected drug user or pusher to appeal to an incumbent local official to intervene in pending drug cases.

"Local officials who allow themselves to be used to pressure the PNP into releasing suspected pushers and users deserve to be junked," Sing said.

DrugWatch said candidates who are running on an anti-drugs platform should have a solid record of anti-drugs initiatives behind them. "Its not enough to proclaim one’s disgust with drugs. Local candidates should be asked to present the anti-drugs programs they have in mind for the locality," he stressed.

The DrugWatch partly-list group has sought to combine their electoral campaign with an ongoing information dissemination campaign about drug abuse. "We are more than willing to join forces with local candidates whose platforms against drugs are truly noteworthy and implementable," Sing said.

DrugWatch volunteers all over the country called on voters to take advantage of the May elections to boot out of office elected officials who have turned into coddlers of known pushers and users in the community.

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