Loi to continue crusade for the preservation of the home

Calling the family as the bedrock of society, Dr. Luisa ‘Loi’ Ejercito Estrada, a candidate for the Senate of the Laban ng Demokratikong Pilipino-Puwersa ng Masa coalition, yesterday said she will continue her crusade for the preservation of the home as member of the Philippine Senate.

"A nation can only be as strong and as weak as the fundamental unit of society. A nation of broken homes is a nation of losers," Dr. Ejercito Estrada said.

When you protect the family, you protect the nation, the first lady added.

Dr. Ejercito Estrada said her legislative program includes introducing and supporting bills that improve the national health care system, strengthens science and information technology educatin and improves the quality of life of women and children.

The first lady, considered a frontrunner in the senatorial race, has consistently championed family values both as a private person and in public life.

It is the parents who play a central role in bringing the family together, Dr. Ejercito Estrada said,a dding that parents or guardians are the best provider of values through example and personal supervision.

Dr. Ejercito Estrada said her family preservation program will give incentives to parents who spend more time, with young children and who spend time creatively with the family.

The program will also reward children who demonstrate diligence in their studies, who keep out of trouble, such as staying away from gangs, avoiding sexual promiscuity and who stay away from the habits of smoking, drinking and drug use.

The first lady called for the reexamination of the media, especially movies and television, that play a critical role in the formation of values and social habits.

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