MILF men kill 3 civilians

ZAMBOANGA CITY – Heavily armed separatist Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) rebels massacred three civilians through a firing squad Wednesday in a remote village in Carmen, North Cotabato, military officials said.

The incident was coupled with a separate attack staged by the MILF on a nearby military command post in Ugalinagan, Carmen town.

This developed as all military units in Mindanao have been placed on alert to prevent the Southern Philippines Armed Group (SPAG) that includes the MILF, New People’s Army (NPA), Abu Sayyaf extremist and other lawless elements from taking advantage of the on going political crisis in the country.

The military have also tightened the security on all government and private vital installations which are prone targets of the rebel groups.

Lt. Col. Fredesvindo Covarrubias, chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines Civil Relations Group (AFP-CRG) for Mindanao, said the rebels herded the victims while the other villagers fled in terror as the rebels fired their guns indiscriminately.

Covarrubias said the MILF rebels later openned fire on the helpless civilians, killing them on the spot. They were identified as Jerry Tobias, Warlito Visto and Aselo Cataentan.

He said the victims were just pasturing their farm animals at about 6:30 a.m. Wednesday when they were ganged up on by the rebels who fired their guns to scare the nearby villagers.

"This barbaric act runs counter to their propaganda that they are for the people," Covarrubias said as the rebels carted away many of the villagers farm animals.

Prior to the massacre, separate forces of the MILF attacked with automatic assault rifles and mortars a military detachment in Barangay Ugalinagan.

The military, through its 12th Fire Artillery Base, retaliated with rounds from 105mm howitzers that pounded the rebels’ position.

Covarrubias said heavy exchange of gunfire ensued, rocking the village for 45 minutes before the separatist MILF rebels retreated with undetermined casualty as a result of the bombardment from the Army’s 105 mm howitzers.

The military official said pursuit operations continued against the rebels who attacked the villagers while the military remained on alert to prevent the MILF from taking advantage of the current political crisis in the country. With John Unson

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