Accused, 2 assailants killed inside Cavite courthouse

Three persons were killed in a firefight involving the accusers, the accused and the police inside a local courtroom in Carmona, Cavite yesterday morning.

Chief Superintendent Lucas Managuelod, police director for Southern Tagalog, identified two of the fatalities as Barangay Captain Roberto de Salit, 50, of Barangay Bangkal, Carmona, Cavite, and Leo Magallan.

Authorities have yet to identify the third victim, whom local policemen gunned down right inside the sala of the Carmona Municipal Trial Court Branch 5 together with Magallan.

Magallan, packing a caliber .45 pistol and an unidentified companion also armed with a caliber .45 automatic, barged inside the courtroom at about 9:30 a.m. while the court was about to begin proceedings on a frustrated homicide case filed against De Salit.

Once inside, the suspects with three others serving as look-outs, proceeded where De Salit was seated and opened fire at the barangay chairman at close range.

The bursts of gunfire and commotion that ensued drew the attention of policemen posted nearby, who exchanged gunfire with the two.

When the smoke cleared up, Magallan and his companion lay dead. De Salit, on other hand, sustained several gunshot wounds in the body. He was rushed to the Perpetual Medical Center in Binan but was declared dead on arrival.

Managuelod said that the succeeding police operations identified Magallan’s alleged back-ups as Cesar Pabillo, Flaviano Menta and Dennis Rivera.

The three are now in custodial investigation of the Carmona police.

Managuelod said that Magallan and his relatives who filed a frustrated homicide case against De Salit, apparently wanted to settle once and for all their grievance against the barangay captain.

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