LTFRB warns cabbies vs using fake rate cards

MANILA, Philippines - Taxi drivers and operators face severe penalties if they are caught using fake dollar rate cards to dupe foreign passengers they pick up at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport, the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board said yesterday.

LTFRB board member Ariel Inton said in an interview that the board has not issued any fair matrix in dollars for taxis operating at NAIA. He said the board will investigate the modus operandi at the airport.

LTFRB Chairman Winston Ginez said they can recommend that the Land Transportation Office cancel a driver’s license and the franchise of operators who tolerate this practice.

The recommendation will only be made after an investigation is conducted, he added.

An airport employee recently said some taxi drivers at NAIA use the fake dollar rate cards, which list destinations and their corresponding cost in dollars. 

The Airport Transport Concessionaires Association Inc., however, denied the said allegations. – Robertzon Ramirez, Louise Maureen Simeon

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