Drunk cop challenges precinct chief to duel

MANILA, Philippines – A drunk policeman was arrested and charged after threatening a precinct commander and challenging him to a gun duel in Caloocan City on Dec. 24.

In a belated report, city police chief Senior Superintendent Bartolome Bustamante ordered the filing of charges of grave threat, challenging to a duel and unjust vexation against Police Officer 1 Gregorio Rollan of Police Community Precinct 7.

In his complaint, Senior Police Officer 2 Edilberto Safuentes alleged that Carlos Cia, the precinct’s helper, was drinking in front of their office shortly before midnight on Christmas Eve when Rollan arrived and told him to go with him and drink elsewhere.

Just before they left, Safuentes told Carlos to put away the bottle “because there might be an inspection later.”

However, Rollan butted in and told Cia not to follow Safuentes “because no one is going to inspect the precinct anyway.”

Safuentes said he was just making sure that no problem would arise. He then asked Rollan if he was a policeman while introducing himself as the precinct’s team leader.

To this the suspect replied, “So what if you’re the team leader? I don’t care.”

Safuentes went into his office but Rollan followed him and pointed his service firearm at the officer, prompting the other policemen to subdue him.   

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