Navy man arrested for firing gun in Taguig

MANILA, Philippines - Police arrested a member of the Philippine Navy for threatening a group of construction workers with a gun in Taguig City Monday night.

Washington Alba, 46, of Barangay Ususan in Taguig, was nabbed by officers of the Southern Police District shortly after the incident in Palar Village.

Reports said that Dexter Cruz, 28; Randy Fuentes, 34; Tirso David and Alejandre de los Reyes, 34, all employees of Hony Trading Construction, were talking outside their barracks when the drunk Alba appeared and threatened them.

Police said Alba left the scene only to return later armed with a pistol.

The workers said Alba pointed his gun at them before firing it twice in the air, prompting bystanders to mob him.

The Navy man was turned over to the police.

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