Man nabbed for load card scam

MANILA, Philippines - A 55-year-old man was arrested yesterday for allegedly defrauding a convenience store by buying a load card then returning it after using up the credits.

Sam Ali Rashed bought a P300 load card at around 10 a.m., put the card in a notebook and left the store. He returned a few hours later, saying he wanted to return the card, the Manila Police District (MPD) said.

It was the third time that Rashed allegedly did this to the same convenience store in Malate, Manila, making the staff suspicious. 

In two previous incidents, the staff accepted the card back with no suspicions since they were sealed. They later found out that Rashed would only reseal the cards, the MPD said. 

No charges were filed against Rashed. The incident was only recorded in the MPD blotter.

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