Tiamzon couple to stay at Crame

MANILA, Philippines - The Tiamzon couple of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) will remain in detention at the Camp Crame Custodial Center after a Manila court rejected their request for transfer yesterday.

Judge Thelma Bunyi- Medina of the Manila Regional Trial Court Branch 32 denied the request of Benito and Wilma Tiamzon to be transferred to Camp Bagong Diwa in Taguig.

Benito chairs the CPP. His wife is the finance officer and secretary general.

They were arrested in March and face multiple murder charges. 

The Metro Manila District Jail, where they want to be detained, is under the supervision of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology and not the police.

Members of Morong 43, who were tagged as New People’s Army rebels, were detained at Camp Bagong Diwa in 2011.

The NPA is the armed wing of CPP.

During yesterday’s hearing, the Criminal Investigation Detection Group, which has custody over the couple, said it will amend the charges it filed against the Tiamzons.

A source said the CIDG is set to file 14 more charges against the couple.

The Tiamzons, meanwhile, said they would file a motion to quash the charges against them.

The judge gave both camps 15 days to file their motions.

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