Cops slam PNP ID-ATM cards

MANILA, Philippines - Some police officers are up in arms over a plan of the Philippine National Police officials to convert the PNP identification card to also serve as an automated teller machine (ATM) card.

According to an open letter being circulated around Camp Crame, which houses the PNP headquarters, said ATMs are not available nationwide – making it more difficult for police officers assigned in far-flung areas to get their salaries.

“While the (merging) of the ATM and the PNP ID into one card appears to be ‘palatable’ for public consumption,” the plan is neither convenient nor practical, the letter stated.

“For one, it is not convenient if a PNP officer is assigned in far-flung areas away from their families. It will be difficult for them to withdraw from ATMs and again send the money to their family. Likewise, it is a security risk for undercover operatives as they will be forced to carry with them their PNP (ID-ATM card),” the letter added.

Reduced flexibility

In a statement, Coalition of Filipino Consumers secretary general Perfecto Tagalog said the plan to integrate the PNP identification and ATM card will significantly reduce the options and flexibility of police officers in addressing their daily cash requirement for food, emergency medical needs, bills, tuition and supplies for their children.  

Earlier, PNP chief Director General Alan Purisima said the PNP is planning to integrate the police ID and ATM card to prevent police officers from pawning their ATM cards. The plan will cover 148,000 police officers nationwide.

Tagalog said the PNP leadership claimed the new system will discourage the practice by PNP personnel of pawning their ATM cards and “bring dignity to the police uniform.”

“How can reducing the flexibility and option of the common policeman, whose salary is very low, bring about dignity if they cannot deliver the daily needs of their family and provide in emergencies, necessitating loans as a stop gap measure?” he said.

Tagalog warned that the new policy may even force police officers to resort to questionable activities when faced with emergencies since they would no longer be able to pawn their ATM cards.

He noted that while police officers can resort to borrowing from the Armed Forces Savings and Loan Association Inc. and the Air Materiel Savings and Loan Association Inc., the process takes longer and these loan windows would not be of any help in emergencies.

Tagalog surmised that these two loan windows will benefit directly from Purisima’s new system.  

He urged PNP officials to instead look for ways to improve the salaries and welfare of all rank and file employees before requiring them to adhere to very strict regulations.

Tagalog said he is taking the cudgels for PNP personnel who are against the new system but are afraid to come out for fear of retaliation.

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