Phl main source of webcam child sex tourism

MANILA, Philippines - The Philippines is the main, if not the only, source of children who offer sex to pedophiles on the Internet, a European anti-child abuse and pornography group official said Wednesday.

Hans Guijt, head of special projects and campaign of Terre Des Hommes Netherlands, said their study of the global webcam child sex tourism (WCST) situation indicated that the Philippines has a monopoly of the illegal trade on the supply side.

“At this point in time, there’s no other country yet. It is purely the Philippines where children are offered for this kind of service,” Guijt said during a policy forum on child abuse and exploitation in cyberspace.

Gujit said this situation was attributed to the English language skills of Filipinos and high Internet connectivity in the country.

Terre des Hommes is pushing to put WCST on the worldwide political agenda.

“The Philippines is in the supply side of the problem... But WCST will not be limited to the Philippines...We have to address this source of the problem with international support,” he added.

Guijt headed the group’s “Sweetie” project, which created a computer-generated Filipino girl named Sweetie, who offered sex services to online predators.

The group identified more than a thousand pedophiles from over 70 countries and turned over the information to international law enforcement agencies.


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