Retired teacher found dead in Valenzuela

MANILA, Philippines - A 68-year-old retired public school teacher was found dead, her throat slit, in her home in Malinta, Valenzuela City Saturday.

Virginia Francisco’s body was found by her nephew, Virgilio Francisco, in her house in the Francisco Compound on Rincon street shortly before 10 a.m., investigators said.

Virgilio told police that he went to his aunt’s house to tell her that he saw her dog roaming outside the compound, which was unusual. He said he noticed a mountain bike parked outside the open gate of the victim’s house.

Upon entering the house, Virgilio said a man stepped through the door leading to the sala and attacked him. He said the man stabbed him several times in the face, hips and chest.

The unidentified attacker rushed out of the house when Virgilio ran to the kitchen to get a knife. Virgilio said he did not catch the man.

A niece of the victim, 10-year-old Maryjoy Malacas, said she saw a thin man in his 40s rushing out of the gate and hurriedly leaving the area on the bicycle.

Virgilio, who had asked his neighbors for help, went back to Francisco’s house and found his aunt’s body.

Senior Police Officer 3 Arnold San Juan said yesterday Virgilio described the attacker and police officers are preparing a sketch of the man.

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