Lovers found shot in motel

MANILA, Philippines - Two lovers were found shot in the head in a motel room in Quezon City on Friday afternoon. 

It was unclear who pulled the trigger of the gun that killed Aiza Cortez, 27, of Pangasinan and Ryan Guibon, 31, of General Santos City, said Chief Inspector Rodel Marcelo, head of the Quezon City Police District’s Criminal Investigation and Detection Unit.

Marcelo said police officers found two guns, at least six sachets of shabu in a bag, and eight more tea bags of shabu in the room.

The lovers checked in at the Taxi Line Apartelle at past 6 p.m. Thursday and were due to leave on Friday afternoon. Motel employee Ignalyn Cabelin was sent to Room 26 to inform the lovers that their time had already lapsed.

When she knocked on the door, she was shocked to hear a gunshot ring out from inside the room at past 4 p.m. She ran away from the room and then felt that she was hit on the right leg. She then reported it to a cashier, who brought her to the Quirino Memorial Medical Center (QMMC).

A security guard then informed the police about the lovers. Policemen opened the locked room with a duplicate key and rushed the woman to the QMMC upon seeing that she was still breathing.

Marcelo said a .22 caliber homemade revolver with a bullet and two spent shells were found on the toilet’s water tank, while a .45 caliber pistol with an empty magazine, a spent shell and a fired bullet were seen near Guibon’s body in the bathroom.

Senior Police Officer 1 Jaime Jimena said crystals similar to shabu were also found on the toilet bowl.

Guibon died in the bathroom with a gunshot wound in his left temple. Cortez, who was also shot in the head, was found sprawled on the bedroom floor. She did not make it alive to the QMMC.

Jimena said it was still unclear if the lovers committed suicide or not, since no one actually saw who pulled the trigger.

He said the bodies have been subjected to a paraffin test but the results were not yet available.

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