New NCRPO chief focuses on patrols to fight crime

MANILA, Philippines - Newly installed National Capital Regional Police Office (NCRPO) director Chief Superintendent Marcelo Garbo Jr. ordered yesterday all Metro Manila police commanders fully enforce the Philippine National Police (PNP) Integrated Patrol System to help them fight crimes in the metropolis.

Garbo, a United States Scout Ranger graduate, issued this directive shortly after assuming command of the NCRPO from his mistah, Director Leonardo Espina, in a turnover rite presided by PNP chief Director General Alan Purisima at Camp Bagong Diwa in Taguig City.

Purisima, Garbo and Espina all belong to the Philippine Military Academy  Dimalupig Class of 1981, currently the ruling class in the PNP and in the Armed Forces of the Philippines. Espina has been promoted to the fourth highest post in the PNP as chief of its directorial staff.

“I am not here to reinvent the wheel but I am here to see to it that it shall revolve efficiently. I will be expecting your due obedience in time,” Garbo, former police regional commander of Central Visayas, told the NCRPO officers and employees.

The PNP patrol system requires all ground units patrolling the streets of the metropolis to harmonize all their foot and mobile patrol operations, with each police team required to have their own report card to be submitted daily for validation and subjected to close scrutiny by their commanders.

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