Family loses P4 M to burglars

MANILA, Philippines - A family lost around P4 million worth of cash and valuables to burglars who broke into their house in Quezon City on Sunday.

Evelyn Gotladera, 64, told police that her family lost P100,000 in cash; pieces of jewelry worth around P4 million; a land title; and credit cards and ATM cards.

Police Officer 2 Roldan Cornejo said Gotladera lives in Roxas District.

He said members of Gotladera’s household left the house locked but unattended Sunday morning for a family gathering. When they returned at around 4:30 p.m. they noticed the front door was already open.

When family members checked the house, they found the cash and valuables gone from the master bedroom.

Cornejo said the burglars might have scaled the concrete fence of the house then used a crow bar to force open the locked front door.

He said the burglars also forced open the locked room using the same crow bar.


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