Makati nabs 5,023 smoke belchers in 2012

MANILA, Philippines - A total of 5,023 drivers of smoke-belching vehicles were arrested by the Makati Pollution and Control Office (MPCO) last year, an official said yesterday.

In a report to Makati Mayor Jejomar Erwin Binay, MPCO chief Ricardo Suarez said although there was a slight drop in the total number of violators in 2012 as compared to 5,214 violators in 2011, the total annual fines collected from offenders last year increased to P1,499,200 from P1,397,500 in 2011.

Suarez said the increase in income generated were from repeat offenders.

Under City Ordinance 2004-032, Makati’s ordinance against smoke belching, first-time offenders are fined P1,000, while second-time and third-time offenders are fined P2,000 and P3,000, respectively. The driver’s license and car plates are also confiscated in some instances.

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