Teodoro named as witness vs Ampatuans

MANILA, Philippines - Former defense secretary Gilberto Teodoro was listed among the government witnesses against former Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao governor Zaldy Ampatuan in the three-year-old Maguindanao massacre case, private prosecutor Prima Quinsayas said yesterday.

Teodoro allegedly arranged meetings for the Ampatuan and Mangudadatu clans to warn now Maguindanao Gov. Esmael Mangudadatu from running as governor in the 2010 elections, said Quinsayas, who represents some of the victims’ families.

According to Mangudadatu, a month before the Nov. 23, 2009 murders, Teodoro asked him if he was sure about running against the Ampatuans.

When Mangudadatu said yes, Teodoro warned him to take care since the Ampatuans are “violent people.”

Aside from Teodoro, government prosecutors said they will also present Kenny Dalandag, former provincial backhoe operator Bong Andal, former Maguindanao administrator Norie Unas, and Former Maguindanao election supervisor Lintang Bedol to prove Ampatuan’s guilt.

Mangudadatu’s lawyer Nena Santos was also included in the government’s list of witnesses.

Witnesses claimed that Teodoro had arranged meetings from 2009 to 2010 for the Ampatuan and Mangudadatu clans to prevent Mangudadatu from running as governor in the 2010 elections.

Fifty-eight people, including Mangudadatu’s wife, sister, and supporters, were kidnapped and murdered as they were about to file Mangudadatu’s certificate of candidacy.


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