Dominguez faces raps for sale of stolen SUV

MANILA, Philippines - Alleged carjack gang leader Roger Dominguez is facing another case for reportedly tampering with and selling a stolen sport utility vehicle.

The Quezon City Police District filed before the fiscal complaints against Dominguez, who used the alias Enrique Carl Lopez, for tampering with a motor vehicle and violating anti-fencing and anti-car theft laws.

 Policemen said a Toyota Hilux pickup was flagged down in November last year for traffic violations and on suspicion that “Lopez,” the name on its certificate of registration, was Roger Dominguez.

Police then explained to the buyer that his vehicle may have been stolen, citing other documents bearing Lopez’s name but Dominguez’s face. The new owner then turned over the vehicle to the Quezon City Police District’s Anti-Carnapping Unit for verification.

Following macro-etching examination, the vehicle’s machine markings appear to have been tampered with. The vehicle was actually registered to another owner based on Land Transportation Office records and its original color was green instead of black.

Dominguez is in detention and facing trial along with his brother Raymond for the death of car dealer Venson Evangelista.                               

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