Slain Manila cop's widow asks CIDG help

MANILA, Philippines - A widow of a Manila traffic policeman, shot dead while chasing suspected robbers in Pasay City on July 13, asked the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) to investigate his killing.

With Pasay City police officers unable to come up with leads in the case nearly a month after the death of Police Officer 2 Jesus Lapuz, his widow, Abigail, decided to approach the CIDG.

CIDG chief Director Samuel Pagdilao said he would coordinate with Southern Police District (SPD) director Chief Superintendent Benito Estipona to prioritize the case.

“CIDG Southern Field Office is already helping in the investigation being conducted by Pasay police station. However, I will discuss and coordinate with the SPD director if it is better to elevate the investigation to the district level,” Pagdilao told The STAR.

The CIDG chief said another option is for the CIDG to conduct a parallel investigation, based on Abigail’s request.

Lapuz, 41, of the Manila Police District Traffic Management Enforcement Group, was killed while pursuing motorcycle-riding men he tried to accost for tailing a tourist bus.

Investigators have two versions of what happened during the attack on Lapuz.

A veteran Manila policeman who requested anonymity said Lapuz was manning traffic in Paco when a man riding a motorcycle beat the stoplight and ignored traffic enforcers, prompting him to chase the suspect.

The officer said the man sped toward Roxas Boulevard, with Lapuz closing in from behind. Lapuz, who was driving a “big bike,” closed in on the suspect in front of the Japanese embassy, but he did not realize that he was also being followed by the man’s companion, who was riding another motorcycle.

When Lapuz stopped, one of the suspects shot him. Police said the suspects used a 9mm pistol.

Investigators said Lapuz was able to draw his 9mm pistol but one of the suspects shot him first. He was shot several times in the body, the bullets nearly severing his arm.

Lapuz, a former security escort of Manila Mayor Alfredo Lim, died on the way to the hospital.

Police Officer 3 Raffy Habil, Lapuz’s partner, said they were doing routine patrol when his friend suddenly chased a man riding a motorcycle. He claimed he did not know what happened next until he was told of the incident.

Jesus Andrade, a witness, said he saw Lapuz trying to chase a motorcycle-riding man before he was gunned down.

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