18 Manila cops face dismissal

MANILA, Philippines - Eighteen members of the Manila Police District are undergoing summary dismissal proceedings at the National Capital Region Police Office for their alleged involvement in robbery and extortion from January to June this year, an MPD official said yesterday.

MPD spokesman Chief Inspector Erwin Margarejo told The STAR the erring policemen include PO1 Paul Medina and PO2 Reynaldo Olivo of “Tuwalya Boys,” who were accused of robbing tourists and protecting snatchers at the Ermita area.

Medina and Olivo were also identified by Koreans Sung Kyun and Lee Jun Hee as the ones who robbed them of at least P20,000 in Malate last April 7.

Margarejo said a total of 20 robberies were recorded in Ermita during the same period based on police blotter.

“Most of the cases were perpetrated by policemen themselves or individuals who were under the direction and protection of policemen,” he added.

Among the police officers relieved by the MPD were Senior Police Officer 1 Albert Tec and Police Officer 1 Jeffrey Sumarco, who were accused of coddling robbers and pickpockets, mostly minors. The two denied the accusations.

PO3 Morris Malindog and PO1 Robert Cruz of MPD-Station 6 were relieved last May after their arrest for robbing couple Marc and Shental Bagui, and Patricia Velzy in Sta. Ana, Manila.

Malindog, Cruz, and barangay security officer Reggie Osalla allegedly took P2 million in cash and valuables from the Bagui family.

Last April, Japanese tourist Yukiya Haga, 40, went to the city hall to complain that he was arrested on trumped-up rape charges by Medina and PO1 Ronald Flores.

Korean national Choi You Kyung complained that PO1 Raul Declaro, 42, allegedly tried to extort P10,000 from him. 

Margarejo said the arrest and subsequent filing of charges against the erring policemen proves that the MPD is serious in cleansing its rank of undesirable members.

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