CHR to probe SONA violence

MANILA, Philippines - The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) yesterday said it will conduct an investigation into the violent clash that transpired between protesters and policemen during President Aquino’s State of the Nation Address (SONA) the other day.

Militant groups condemned the Aquino government for alleged police brutality during their protest actions.

CHR-National Capital Region investigation unit chief Carmen Rosete said they are still gathering evidence of human rights violations committed by the anti-riot police, if there are any.

“However, we will only be able to do a thorough investigation if the rallyists will file a formal complaint with the commission,” she said.

A CHR team was deployed near the Batasan Pambansa to check on possible incidents of human rights violation, but Rosete said they “were not that close to the exact spot where the violence erupted.”

“Our impression is that some of the rallyists attempted to cross the barrier so they can proceed to Batasan. The footage that we have now showed that the barriers were destroyed,” she added.

Meanwhile, the Kilusang Mayo Uno said the workers have the right to get closer to the Batasan Pambansa and make their voices heard.

“The police have no right to prevent the protestors from marching to the Batasan Pambansa. It has no right to use an excessive amount of force against the people who are exercising freedom of assembly and expression,” KMU chairperson Elmer Labog said.

QCPD readying charges

Quezon City Police District director Chief Superintendent Mario de la Vega defended the move of his men during the dispersal of rallyists.

“We even restrained ourselves. I could have used the fire truck (to hose them down) when rocks were being thrown at us,” De la Vega told reporters.

He said they are readying charges against the rallyists who instigated the scuffle.

If the “instigators” would not be identified, the leaders of the group would be charged, according to De la Vega.

Based on the charge sheet being prepared by the QCPD, among those to be charged are former Gabriela Rep. Liza Maza, Bayan secretary general Renato Reyes, George San Mateo of Piston, Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas secretary general Danilo Ramos, Orly Marcillana of Bayan-Southern Tagalog, Cristina Palabay of Karapatan, Cherry Clemente of Migrante and Gloria Arellano of Kadamay.

Arturo Capellan, who was arrested for destroying the windshield of the dump truck used by the police to block the protesters, would also be charged.

– With Sandy Araneta, Reinir Padua

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