Whistle-blower Rabusa is now Customs consultant

MANILA, Philippines - Retired Lieutenant Colonel George Rabusa, the whistle-blower in the alleged multi-million-peso fund scam in the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), is now a consultant at the Bureau of Customs (BOC).

BOC Deputy Commissioner for Intelligence Danilo Lim reportedly tapped Rabusa to be part of the Interim Customs Accreditation and Registration (ICARE) unit.

The BOC-ICARE is the agency’s operating unit responsible in identifying the accreditation of all importers and brokers wanting to have business with the bureau.

Meanwhile, Customs Commissioner Ruffy Biazon implemented a minor reshuffle at the BOC.

Biazon designated lawyer Rhea Gregorio as new ICARE head while special agent Ricky Rebong was appointed as the new BOC Intelligence Division chief.

Rebong edged out other aspirants, including BOC Special Operations head Eric Albano, who was supposedly the one next in rank being the Intelligence Division assistant chief.

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