Fiscals say Ampatuan victim's text messages a dying declaration

MANILA, Philippines - Moments before she was killed, lawyer Cynthia Oquendo-Ayon managed to send text messages to a colleague, pleading for help as her life was in danger.

To the prosecutors in the “Maguindanao massacre” multiple murder trial, these text messages constituted a dying declaration from the lawyer who was among the members of a convoy who were killed on Nov. 23, 2009 in Ampatuan town.

The prosecution presented in court yesterday Cynthia’s brother, Senior Police Officer 4 Raymundo Oquendo, who was able to read the text messages sent by the victim moments before she was killed.

Raymundo told the court that the text messages he read on the morning of Nov. 23, 2009 made him nervous as they showed his sister was in “grave danger.”

He said one text message read: “Advise client Ampatuan tama na (enough) please. We might get killed. Please tell Tom.” This was sent to lawyer Arnold Oclarit, his sister’s associate in the law firm she worked for. The Tom referred to in the text message, according to Raymundo, was lawyer Tomas Falgue III, an attorney for the Ampatuans.

Members of the Ampatuan clan are among those charged with multiple murder in connection with the massacre.

The witness also mentioned another text message sent to Oclarit by his sister. It was written in the Visayan language and he translated it: “There were many dead. We’re next. Tell Tom.” Another text message stated: “MNLF Camp.”

Prior to this, the witness was at work in Polomolok, South Cotabato when he received a text message from his younger sister, lawyer Gemma Oquendo, telling him she had received a message that Cynthia had been kidnapped.

When he went to the office at Gemma’s urging, he said he got to talk to Oclarit. He then went to their family’s house and their mother’s dress shop to look for their parents but was told his mother was at the law office.

Their mother said Cynthia and their father, Catalino, had left for Buluan the day before since Cynthia would assist in the filing of candidacy of Esmael Mangudadatu as governor of Maguindanao.

During Raymundo’s testimony yesterday, the prosecution also presented as evidence the cellular phone of Cynthia, which had been destroyed during the attack. The device was handed over to Raymundo at the funeral parlor after they had confirmed the death of Cynthia and Catalino.

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