6 teens nabbed for highway heist

MANILA, Philippines - Six teenagers, including five minors, were arrested for reportedly robbing the passengers of a jeepney in Navotas City Sunday.

Senior Inspector Edwin Serrano, Navotas City police station duty officer, said Mark Castillo, 18, a resident of Malabon City, and his five alleged accomplices, ages 15 to 17, were apprehended in Barangay San Jose at around 3:30 a.m.

Analea Teodisio, 37; Susan Ramos, 46; and Anna Rose Ramos, 20, were in a passenger jeepney driven by Marlon Lanaja, 27, en route to Divisoria in Manila when several teenagers boarded the vehicle along Gonzales street at about 3 a.m. and announced the heist.

Lanaja and his passengers sought the assistance of the patrolling barangay watchmen, who ran after the suspects and were able to apprehend six of them. Some of the boys escaped.

The watchmen seized two knives and Teodisio’s bag from the suspects, who they turned over to the Navotas City police.                                  

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