Man nabbed for stealing priest's car from church

MANILA, Philippines - One of three men who allegedly stole a priest’s car from the compound of Sto. Cristo Church in Valenzuela City on Holy Wednesday was arrested yesterday.

Police said Erick Gatasaya, 26, a resident of Barangay Marulas, is detained at the police holding center. Two of his alleged cohorts, identified only as Richard and Amang, are still at large.

Records show an Isuzu Infinite Gold (RST-127) of Fr. RanilloTrillana, 54, parish priest of the Sto. Cristo Church in Barangay Marulas, was reported missing on April 20 at around 3 a.m.

Two witnesses spotted Gatasaya and his companions killing time in front of the parish cooperative office in front of the church yesterday. Police officers rushed to the area but collared only Gatasaya, who is the subject of another car theft case. Witnesses said he was in the area shortly before Trillana’s car was stolen, but Gatasaya denied the allegations.

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