Model points to Ivler as Ebarle Jr.'s killer

MANILA, Philippines - Describing the accused as a handsome guy with a gun, a part-time model identified road rage suspect Jason Ivler yesterday as the one who shot Renato Ebarle Jr. on Nov. 18, 2009.

Taking the stand as a prosecution witness, Archie Castillo told the Quezon City regional trial court that he saw the whole incident that happened in Barngay Valencia more than a year ago. In his testimony, he told Branch 219 Judge Bayani Vargas that he was standing in front of the barangay hall when he noticed Ivler alight from his van and confront Ebarle Jr.

“I saw a tall, fair-skinned, handsome and tattooed guy alight his van, approached the man on the other vehicle, and shoot him at close range,” Castillo said.

In open court, the prosecution allowed the witness to stand up and positively identify Ivler who attended the hearing, adding that the scene of the crime was well lit that he could see clearly what was happening.

One of the defense counsels, on cross-examination, attacked Castillo’s credibility arguing that the accused in the case is easy to identify because he is the only one wearing an inmate’s uniform inside the courtroom. “Moreover, our client is surrounded by police officers. That would give anyone the perception of the suspect even if he was not the actual perpetrator,” lawyer Priscilla Abante said.

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