Malabon trader loses cash, jewelry to thieves

MANILA, Philippines - A businesswoman lost more than P200,000 in cash and assorted jewelry when her house was burglarized by a group of thieves reportedly headed by her neighbor in Malabon City before dawn yesterday.

Victoria Burce, 59, resident of Barangay Tugatog, told the police that the suspects took almost everything of value in her house including cigarettes sold in her small store.

PO3 Patrick Alvarado said that Burce discovered the burglary after she returned home from her husband’s wake at a nearby funeral chapel at around 6:30 a.m. The victim said the suspects destroyed the padlock of their gate and broke into the house taking away P61,000 cash, jewelry worth more than P50,000, a mini- karaoke, a car stereo, speakers, a jacket, rims of cigarettes and other valuables including a pair of shoes.

The victim said she left their house at around 1:20 a.m. and double-checked its locks to make sure no burglars could break in but was only surprised upon her return when it was already in disarray and many of her belongings were missing.

The burglars escaped with more than P200,000 loot, Alvarado said.

Witnesses told the police that at least nine suspects, led by Burce’s neighbor, were seen inside the victim’s premises moments after the victim and her relatives left the house.

The Malabon City police were still investigating the case yesterday.

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