Kidnap victim's associate found dead in Bataan

MANILA, Philippines –  An associate of an Indian national who survived a kidnap attempt in Pasay City last Dec. 20, was found dead in Bataan.

Chief Superintendent Jose Arne de los Santos, Southern Police District director, said Ferdinand Sales was shot twice in the head.

Sales’ body was found in Abucay town last Dec. 21, a day after armed men tried to snatch James Khumar, president of the Khalsadiwan Indian Sect Temple, in Pasay City, he added.

Khumar joined Pasay City policemen in motoring to Abucay town following reports that the body of man fitting Sales’ description was recovered last month. Policemen exhumed Sales’ body, which was already buried in the municipal cemetery.

De los Santos said Sales was identified through a tattoo on his right shoulder, and the T-shirt and denims he was wearing. He directed Senior Superintendent Napoleon Cuaton, Pasay City police chief, to coordinate with the Tarlac police to confirm reports that another associate of Khumar, Bryan Andy Ngie, 29, was seen in Abucay.

Ngie and his Mazda Friendee van remain missing.

Khumar and his two associates were on their way to the Pasay City police headquarters when armed men surrounded Ngie’s van. Khumar managed to get out and seek the help of Senior Inspector Renato Apolinario. The armed men commandeered the van, taking Ngie and Sales with them.

Khumar took cover behind Apolinario, who was in full uniform, after shots rung out. Both men suffered gunshot wounds.

Khumar identified Chief Inspector Edwin Faycho, head of the anti-drug unit of the Quezon City police, Police Officer 3 Edmund Peculdar and three others as among those who tried to kidnap him.

Faycho denied that he and his men were involved in the kidnap try against Khumar but De los Santos said they are readying kidnapping, frustrated murder and carnapping charges against the five policemen.

With the discovery of Sales’s body, charges of kidnapping with murder would be filed against the five policemen before the Pasay City prosecutor’s office, De los Santos said.

Quezon City Police District director Chief Superintendent Benjardi Mantele has disarmed Faycho and his four men, and ordered them restricted to quarters.

He is awaiting the full report of the SPD on the incident before initiating summary dismissal proceedings against Faycho and his men.                             


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