Caloocan 'teacher killer' charged with murder

MANILA, Philippines - Murder charges were filed before the Caloocan City prosecutors’ office on Saturday against a 15-year-old high school student who stabbed dead his teacher after she allegedly threatened to expose his links to a fraternity and have him expelled if he would not cut his hair.

Chief Inspector Rodrigo Soriano, who heads the Caloocan police station investigation unit, said yesterday the charges were filed Saturday, with no bail recommended.

He said that under the law, the boy is required to attend hearings even if he is in the custody of the Caloocan social services office. If the boy is convicted of murder, Soriano said that when the boy turns 18, he would serve his sentence, minus the time he stayed with the social services office.

After the inquest proceedings, the boy was referred to the city social services office to undergo a “discernment process” in accordance with Republic Act 9344 or the Juvenile Welfare Act of 2006.

Rowena Drilon, head of the Caloocan City Yakap Center – a temporary holding center set up by Mayor Enrico Echiverri for minor offenders – told The STAR that the boy is undergoing evaluation by social workers and the result of his discernment will be submitted to the court which will determine legal action.

She said children in conflict with law are either returned to the custody of the parents or sent to the National Training Schools for boys where they continue their studies while also undergoing rehabilitation for the crimes they committed.

Also over the weekend, Education Secretary Armin Luistro visited the boy and the wake of Teodora Soner, a Manuel Luis Quezon High School teacher who was stabbed by the teenage suspect.

The boy, accompanied by a friend, waited for Soner in front of the school and stabbed her in the back at around 5:30 a.m. Friday.

– Perseus Echeminada, Pete Laude

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