Married man kills ex-lover who spurned him

MANILA, Philippines - A married man shot dead his former live-in partner when she rejected his advances at her home in Quezon City Friday night.

Chief Inspector Benjamin Elenzano Jr, deputy chief of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Unit (CIDU), identified the victim only as “Marichu,” 40, a resident of Doña Rosario street in Barangay Novaliches Proper.

Marichu died on the spot from a gunshot wound in the right temple.

Elenzano said the motive for the killing could have been extreme jealousy.

The suspect, known in the neighborhood only as “Nato,” 40, fled with a .38 caliber revolver he used in the killing and is now the subject of a manhunt by the police.

SPO1 Randy Escobido said the shooting occurred Friday at around 11:30 p.m.

A witness said the suspect is a known criminal and has just gotten out of jail on robbery charges. He is also reportedly married to an overseas Filipino worker.

About two days before the incident, Nato went to Marichu, whom he learned was now living in with tricycle driver Rodolfo Iporac, 39, on Doña Rosario street.

Iporac told The STAR, when interviewed at CIDU, that they been living in for a week when the killing happened. He said he did not know Marichu’s full name.

Witnesses heard Marichu telling Nato that he had neglected her so she would rather live with Iporac.

Nato allegedly took the rejection in stride. Iporac said Nato even bought beer and they drank together. Before leaving, Nato allegedly told him to take care of and love Marichu as he did.

On Friday morning, Sherryl Reyes, 30, Iporac’s former live-in partner who he had just given up for Marichu, came to the new couple’s house and threatened to kill Marichu. Reyes, Iporac said, knows where Nato lives and probably told Reyes about their relationship.

At 11 p.m. the same day, Marichu allegedly told Iporac she wanted to buy bread at a nearby store and went down to the first floor of their two-story rented house.

When Marichu opened the door, Nato shot at her, killing her on the spot.

When Iporac heard a gunshot downstairs, he went down to check and saw Nato pointing a gun at him. He threw a garbage can at Nato and the two scuffled for possession of the gun.

When Iporac saw Marichu’s body, he said he grew weak and let go of Nato’s hands and ran for his life. Nato aimed at him but Iporac tripped and fell as Nato fired two more shots, missing Iporac.

Nato ran to a black motorcycle parked a block away, then sped off.

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