Cabbie stabbed dead; attackers leave money behind

MANILA, Philippines - A 54-year-old taxicab driver was stabbed dead by two unidentified attackers in Quezon City yesterday.

Chief Inspector Benjamin Elenzano Jr., Quezon City Police District homicide investigation chief, identified the victim as Pablio Inocencio, single, a resident of Barangay Bambang, Bulacan, Bulacan and driver of the Value Cab Transport Co.

Inocencio sustained stab wounds in the chest and abdomen and died before he could be brought to the hospital. His wallet and P1,400 were found intact in the back pocket of his denim shorts. He was found by Scene of the Crime Operatives lying in the driver’s seat, with a kitchen knife at his feet. The motor was still running when the police arrived at the crime scene.

Police believe Inocencio’s attackers are residents of Barangay Lagro, where the stabbing took place. Elenzano said it was apparent from the defense wounds on the victim’s arms that he put up a fight.

Senior Police Officer 1 Florencio Escobido said shortly before 11 p.m. Monday, the attackers boarded Inocencio’s cab (TWU-533) and ordered to be taken to Lagro Subdivision in Quezon City.

Upon reaching Pantomina Mayor street, witnesses saw Inocencio’s taxi zigzagging in the street before coming to a stop. Two men jumped out of the taxi running towards Domingo de Ramos street.

A resident called his neighbor, Petty Officer 3 Nazareth Baldoria of the Philippine Navy, for assistance. Baldoria tried to chase the two attackers but lost them in a dark alley.

Another witness, a 13-year-old boy, said he met the attackers and noticed one of them trying to cover the bloodstains on his trousers.

The victim’s sister, Lydia, 64, with whom he lived in Bulacan, told The STAR he was loved by everybody in the neighborhood. She said Inocencio supported their eldest brother who has a lung ailment. Around 10 of the victim’s neighbors trooped to the police station to claim his remains.

Elenzano said they are already tracking down the suspects.


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