Dangerous Drugs Board chair won't cling to post

MANILA, Philippines - Even if he has a fixed term, Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB) Chairman Antonio Villar Jr. will not cling to his position if President Aquino is not satisfied with his performance.

“I have a fixed six-year term and I am not a midnight appointee, but if President Aquino is not happy with my performance, I am willing to give way for the sake of the government,” Villar told reporters after swearing in Mayor Mark Roy Macanlalay and his father, Vice Mayor Roy Macanlalay, of Calasiao, Pangasinan last June 30.

Villar, who also headed the Presidential Anti-Smuggling Group (PASG) that was created by former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, said “among the biggest problems of the country, aside from smuggling and corruption, is drugs.”

“As you can see, 90 percent of heinous crimes are related to drugs,” Villar said, adding that they also have the same problem in Pangasinan.

He said DDB personnel and Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) agents are still tracking down 1.5 tons of cocaine allegedly thrown into the waters of eastern Samar.

“So you can just imagine 1.5 tons (of cocaine) that can destroy the lives of millions of Filipinos,” said Villar, who was appointed by Arroyo as DDB chair last Jan. 3, 2010.

Villar also said he hopes the term of PDEA chief Dionisio Santiago and of others whose positions are co-terminus with Arroyo’s would be extended because of their good performance.

June 30 was the last day of Villar as PASG chief and as director of Task Force Subic because the said posts were co-terminus with that of Arroyo.

As PASG chief, Villar was credited by businessmen for waging a no-nonsense drive against smugglers and their protectors in government.

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