MPD to file murder charges vs Manila policeman

MANILA, Philippines - The Manila Police District is set to file murder charges against one of its men who allegedly shot dead a brother of another policeman in a riot in Sampaloc, Manila, Saturday night.

This developed as Police Officer 3 John Simon Baltazar, detailed at the MPD’s District Headquarter’s Support Unit, reneged on his promise to surrender before his commanding officer, Superintendent Dominador Arevalo Jr.

The cop’s mother, Jane Ann Baltazar, instead submitted an incident report prepared by her son on what transpired on Saturday night to Arevalo. According to Arevalo, she was told by Mrs. Baltazar that their lawyer did not approve her son’s surrender. “Let them (police) file the charges,” Arevalo quoted Mrs. Baltazar as saying.

Mrs. Arevalo also admitted that her son is hiding in a safe location after learning that relatives and friends of the victims are after him.  

Witnesses have pointed to Baltazar as the one who shot Marcial Raquepo (not Raquero as earlier reported), 26, brother of Parañaque policeman PO1 Arnel Raquepo, during a melee in Sampaloc involving two groups of drinkers.

Marcial later died at the Mary Chiles Hospital due to a gunshot wound in the head.

In his incident report, Baltazar said a man (who turned out to be Marcial) tried to attack him with a knife and that he was prompted to shoot him to defend himself. Two others, including Raquepo, were hurt in the melee.


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