Katrina: Hayden uploaded sex video

MANILA, Philippines - Actress Katrina Halili believes her former lover, Hayden Kho, not his friends, allegedly uploaded their sex video onto the Internet.

Holding back tears, Halili, 24, said during cross-examination in court yesterday she and Kho had been lovers for six months while he had a relationship with cosmetic surgeon Dr. Vicky Belo.

“I am mad at him and not his friends,” she said. “I don’t believe him anymore.”

Halili testified before Judge Rodolfo Bonifacio of the Pasig Regional Trial Court Branch 159, who was hearing the case against Kho for violation of Republic Act 9262, the Anti-Violence Against Women and their Children Act of 2004.

During the hearing, Halili, twice voted as the sexiest woman in the country by FHM magazine, said the sex video was recorded in a hotel room in Manila.

The National Bureau of Investigation is determining who was responsible for uploading the sex video onto the Internet.

Halili said she and Kho became lovers in September 2007. Kho visited her at her home every Sunday with gifts like clothes, shoes, and pieces of jewelry, she added.

However, Kho’s lawyer, Lorna Kapunan, told the court her client is in charge of sales and marketing at Belo’s clinic and the gifts might have been part of a program to impress clients.

In response, Halili said it was more than that as she and Kho became close to each other. She decided to call it quits after about six months, she added.

Halili said she later told Belo her affair with Kho.

“I don’t want to hurt her friends anymore,” she said.

Belo was sitting beside Kho during the hearing. She laughed several times during Halili’s testimony, prompting the actress’ lawyer, Raymund Palad, to complain to Bonifacio that Belo was distracting his client.

Bonifacio warned that “anybody” behaving inappropriately inside his courtroom would be asked to leave. He set the continuation of the cross-examination on June 7.

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