Public warned vs Nepalese soliciting donations

MANILA, Philippines - Police issued a warning yesterday against dealing with a Nepalese man who has been soliciting financial assistance from religious organizations using fake credentials.

The suspect, Kshitij Khadka, 22, allegedly had visited several religious temples and organizations asking for money and accommodation. Oftentimes, he would also steal cash and valuables from his victims, according to an e-mail sent to The STAR from officials of Philippine Hsien Tiak Temple, a non-profit religious organization and a member of World Taoist Religious Organization in the Philippines.

According to the group, the Nepalese would send e-mails and then visit religious organizations, telling them that he also belongs to another religious organization and was tasked to collect donations. He would also ask his intended victim to provide him board and lodging during his stay.

The suspect reportedly carries a Bureau of Immigration ID and several media identification cards from the National Press Club and The STAR, including an endorsement from STAR entertainment editor Ricardo Lo, who denied ever knowing or meeting the Nepalese.

The suspect has a US visa in his passport and credentials allegedly prepared and signed by one Leslie Basset of the US embassy.

The Hsien Tiak Temple is wondering why a person of such a young age could travel to the Philippines without a specific job.

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