Canteen boy surrenders chopped head of employer

MANILA, Philippines - Even veteran policemen were shocked over the brazenness of a young man to surrender a decapitated human head which he admitted chopping off from his employer.

At around 7 p.m. Tuesday, a 23-year-old canteen helper, who gave his name as Srejan Sia, came to the Plaza Miranda police community precinct carrying a plastic bag. At the table of PCP commander Senior Inspector Rodolfo Samoranos, the visitor unwrapped the bag revealing a decapitated head of a male person.

Without signs of remorse, Sia verbally admitted killing his employer and cutting off his head, Samoranos said. Then Sia led policemen to Bernadette Eatery along San Rafael street in Quiapo where he hid the body of his headless employer Jimmy Preston, 59, in the bathroom. The body was in near state of decomposition.

Asking for sperm

In front of police and reporters, Sia verbally owned up to the crime. Sia who speaks English fluently said he served as a helper in the eatery. He claimed he was not being paid for his services and was cruelly treated by Preston. When asked why he killed his employer, Sia said he got mad when Preston asked for his sperm. “He asked for my sperm. What does he think of me, a sperm bank?” Sia said.

He said he hit Preston with a cane until he passed out. At first he hid the body in a closet but when it started to smell he decided to cut off Preston’s head. He said he also cut off the victim’s ears and private part and fed it to the dog. Police recovered a long kitchen knife, a butcher’s knife and a hammer soaked in water at the kichen. Police and mediamen sensed the suspect is suffering from mental depression, as he gave conflicting English answers to questions. He also could not give the exact time and date when he allegedly killed his employer.

The victim’s relatives alleged that his money were also missing.

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