Port Area shop worker gunned down

MANILA, Philippines - A 17-year-old worker at a vulcanizing shop in Port Area, Manila was shot dead by unidentified men before dawn yesterday.

Ardel Anos, a stay-in employee of Vhea Vulcanizing Shop located at the corner of 17th and Delgado streets, died in a hospital from a gunshot wound in the back.

Senior Police Officer 2 Benito Cabatbat said Anos was standing in front of their shop with two co-workers while waiting for customers at around 3:45 a.m. when two men drove up in two tricycles.

Cabatbat said Anos and his companions thought the men were customers until the suspects shot at them using pen guns.

All three workers then ran away, but Anos was hit in the back. When he fell to the pavement, the suspects fled. – Edu Punay

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